প্রত্যেকটি প্রশ্নের উত্তর দিতে হবে
Facts can be
What is correct as regards the admissibility of self-regarding statements
The law of evidence consists of
Question of mode of proof is
Under the law of evidence, the relevant fact
Under section 8 of Evidence Act
Fact in issue means
Bangladesh Evidence Act was drafted by
Relevancy is
A fact forming part of the same transaction is relevant under section 6 of Evidence Act
‘Self-regarding’ statements
The facts which form part of the same transaction are relevant
Under the law of evidence, as a general rule
Law of evidence is
Motives, of preparation and conduct are relevant
Presumptions under the law of evidence are
Proof of a fact depends on
Law of evidence is
Which of the following documents are not admissible in evidence
Several classes of facts, which are connected with the transaction(s) in a particular mode, are relevant